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Chris Anderson

Activities Director & Dean of Students


The educational philosophy of BBE provides the foundation for the program, the organizational structure, and the existence of all extra-curricular activities for students. Through activities our goal is to develop better habits and attitudes in students to help shape them into positive adults.  There are many life lessons created through sports and activities.  Our ultimate goal is to promote success and growth while always respecting others.  We are all on this journey together.  Go Jaguars!

Activities Office

710 Washburn Ave

PO Box 339

Belgrade, MN 56312

Phone: (320) 254-8211x2099

Fax: (320) 254-3784

Admission Pricing

Per Event:

Adults - $7

K-12 - $4

Season Pass 

Family - $250 (Includes 1 Streaming Pass)

Adults - $100

K-12 - $50

Streaming Passes

Fall Pass (Football, Volleyball - 11 Events) -  $25

Winter Pass (Basketball, Wrestling - 25 Events) - $40

Yearly Pass - $50

Activity Offerings

Fall Activities




Girls Tennis

Cross Country (Co-Op w/ISD741)

Winter Activities

Boys Basketball

Girls Basketball


Danceline (Co-Op w/ISD741)

Spring Activities


Track and Field


Trap Shooting

Boys Golf

Girls Golf

Clubs & Organizations

Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America

Student Council

Business Professionals of America

Future Farmers of America



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